If an organisation sends mail or rings someone on the Preference lists and the recipient complains, then it will be investigated. If it appears that the complaint is valid, then the matter will be passed to the Advertising Standards Authority. While it is not illegal to send mail or to call someone who has registered, the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 says, an organisation should not repeatedly contact someone if they have asked not to be contacted.
Obviously, responsible brands who value their reputation, also respect their prospective customers’ wishes. In addition, sending unsolicited marketing material, or calling those that have expressed a clear preference not to receive such material, is a waste of valuable marketing budget. We would advise that every database aimed at prospective customers is checked against Preferences on a regular basis.

Mailing Preference Service
Established in 1983 and is a free service for consumers which allows them to register their wish not to receive unsolicited direct mail. It is a service that is supported by the Royal Mail and ICO.

Telephone Preference Services
It is a legal requirement that all organisations do not make marketing calls to numbers registered on the TPS, unless they have express consent to do so.

Corporate Telephone Preference Service
Is a list of organisations who have registered their wish not to receive unsolicited direct marketing calls.
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