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Free Guide: How Dirty Data Can Damage Your Organisation’s Reputation?

Guides | 5 min read

Free Guide: How Dirty Data Can Damage Your Organisation’s Reputation?

Your business holds data about your employees, suppliers, industry contacts and most importantly, your customers. Valuable data that your organisation has collected over many years via multiple touchpoints and which underpins your entire communications strategy.

But how “dirty” is your data, and what are the risks if you do not have a robust data cleansing policy?

Though dirty data can take many forms, the impact of having it lurking within your organisation can be severe: fire-fighting to preserve your hard-earned reputation, wasted money and lost revenue.

To discuss these risks and how your organisation can avoid them, we’ve created a FREE guide: “Dirty Data: The Dangers of Inaccurate Data”.

In this downloadable guide, we review the common reasons why your data can become dirty over time, its various forms, and we present a “rogues’ gallery” of the consequences of dirty data that these organisations would rather not have in the public domain:

  • Which data mistake Manchester City Council made that severely damaged its reputation
  • Why a well-meaning speeding campaign by Sussex Police backfired
  • How Eastbourne Council achieved an unfortunate, and well-publicised, miracle with its data

Our guide to dirty data also explores how your organisation can avoid these (completely avoidable) mistakes and a cost-benefit analysis of cleaning your data.

Download this FREE guide now

To receive your free copy of the guide, simply complete the form below.

Update: If you’d like to access all four of our available guides on the topics of address validation and address cleansing, you don’t need to register more than once! Just visit our bundles page and register there.

, updated 25th June 2024.